
Open source Minecraft Java Edition launcher built with ElectronJS

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The Minecraft Box

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The Minecraft Box is a modern Minecraft launcher, designed to provide integrations with multiple Minecraft services, configurations and thirs party software. The launcher is made with web technologies including electronJS.


Symbol | Meaning ——- | ———– ✔ | Availible in latest release / pre-release 🔨 | Work in Progress 🦄 | Planned


See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details

Thanks for showing interest in this project. There is still a lot of work todo before the launcher is useful.

Seting up your environment

Visual Studio Code is recommended for developping Minecraft Box. You can also use www.gitpod.io, which is browser based and free for contributing with similar features:

Gitpod badge

If for whatever reason non of these two options are availible, you can always use your favorite IDE. All the commands are specified in package.json if you don’t mind working with the command line.

Submitting changes

Please send a GitHub Pull Request to Minecraft-Box-Launcher with a clear list of what you’ve done.

Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:

$ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
> A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."

Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for more details on how to contribute to this project.